We had to keep it wet for about a week while it cured.
They piled sand up around it, and we just kept it filled with about 2 inches of water.
Of course, this made what we are living shrink exponentially. In case you aren't aware of our living situation, this is it...
Two 20 x 9 foot shipping containers (plus one for the toilet/shower/laundry) for our family of 8. The kids sleep in the grey one there on the left, and the white one is our lounge/kitchen/master bedroom.
I've been sleeping on the couch since December.
Up until now, while we had no idea how long anything was going to take, we just sort of put up and dealt with the cramped conditions. Once the slab went down, we all collectively lost our minds and had a gut full. For the sake of everyone's sanity, especially Troy's, we set up our 6 man, three room tent for the two older boys so they could have their own 'rooms' for the next two months. The kids haven't been to sleep before ten for the last two weeks or so, and we are all so very tired.
The verandah poles went up the other day, and then joy!! Delivery day was yesterday, and all our tiles, insulation and prefabbed wall frames were dropped off.
Which brings me to the point of my post.
Adam and I are going to write scriptures on the wall frames and the floor before the cladding and tiles go on. I've managed to read through Malachi to Psalms (I went backwards... what of it?) and Revelation through Hebrews. I've go a list a mile long already of wonderful promises and blessings and vows to write throughout our home. I'll be hustling through the rest of the bible over the next few days to glean some more, and then I might do some more detailed searches for words such as dwell, home, abide, peace, house, home, harmony, family, and love.
I was wondering; what verses would you use if you were doing the same thing, and where would you write them? For example, I've got some that will go behind our mirrors in the bathrooms (pslam 34:5), the entry way (Psalm 147:13-14), the kitchen (Ecclesiastes 9:7), the master bedroom (Song of Songs 7:10... amongst others), the laundry (Revelation 22:14), the kids rooms (1 Peter 5:5), the tops of our front doors (Psalm 24:7) and so on and so forth. I'm really interested to hear how you would incorporate scripture into your home this way. Also, what translation would you use? I'm using the ESV, but I'm thinking I might do some searches using the Message.
Tomorrow the verandah is being poured, and then the walls should go up within a day or two after that. We hope to be in a completed house in two months ish, fingers crossed!
Love this! No kids here! No husband. Just a career girl until further notice. But you have a delightful, authentic edge about you! I look forward to hearing more.